Bicentennial Professor of Mathematics
Department Associate Chair
Amherst College
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Amherst, MA 01002

About me:
I am originally from the north shore of Boston, Massachusetts, and joined the Amherst College Department of Mathematics and Statistics in 2014. I specialize in Number Theory, in particular on modular and mock modular forms, harmonic Maass forms, quantum modular forms, q-series, and related objects, with some applications to Combinatorics, Mathematical Physics, and Representation Theory. Most of my research publications are accessible on this page. My co-authored book on Harmonic Maass Forms and Mock Modular Forms: Theory and Applications is available here. My Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Invited Address at the 2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) is viewable here. I am actively involved in the Mathematics profession, serving on several American Mathematical Society (AMS) and MAA committees, and as Managing Editor (effective 2026- ) of Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, a flagship journal of the AMS.
In addition to research and the profession, I am actively involved in teaching, mentoring, and mathematics outreach. In particular, I’m co-creator of S.U.M.R.Y., and have been involved with the Yale National Initiative for public school teachers. I also regularly advise undergraduate research at Amherst College. I am grateful for the partial support of a National Science Foundation Grant for research and outreach. You can read more about these things by following the links to my research publications, teaching page, CV, and math outreach page, as well as the other links towards the top of this page.
- Ph.D., Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, 2006
- M.S., Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, 2002
- B.A. (honors), Mathematics, University of Chicago, 2001
- Amherst College, Bicentennial Professor 2022-present; Full Professor 2019-present; Associate Professor 2014-2019;
Department Chair or Associate Chair 2023-present & 2019-2021
- Yale University, Associate Professor 2014; Assistant Professor 2010-2013.
- University of Wisconsin-Madision, National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow & Van Vleck Assistant Professor, 2007-2010
- Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, Postdoc, 2006-2007
Grants and Awards
- National Science Foundation Grant (P.I.) 2022-2025
- American Mathematical Society Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research 2021
- National Science Foundation Grant (P.I.) 2019-2022
- A.M. (hon.), Amherst College 2019
- Simons Fellow in Mathematics 2018-2019
- Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, von Neumann Fellow and Member, Spring 2019 & Spring 2016
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award (P.I.) 2013-2019
- PROSE Award, Association of American Publishers, Best Scholarly Book in Mathematics 2018
- Amherst College Trustee Faculty Fellowship 2015-2016
- National Science Foundation Conference Grants (co-P.I.) 2018 & 2016
- National Science Foundation Grant (P.I.) 2010-2013
- Yale University Junior Faculty Fellowship 2012-2013
- National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (P.I.) 2007-2010
- University of Wisconsin-Madison Honored Instructors Award 2009